It’s now after Christmas, and spring fever is setting in. Do your find yourself feeling restless, super couch potatoish, or having an urge to clean closets, drawers, dressers, and garages? Before you know it, the warm days will be back, and you will be looking forward to summer picnics and family get-togethers. Spring and summer can be great to plan things with the money you got selling your unused valuable items.
As you go through your closets, maybe you discover some gold jewelry you don’t wear, or a Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and other luxury purses you haven’t worn for quite some time. Maybe you have an excellent musical instrument you had purchased for your child, and now that child is off in the big world, and the instrument is just collecting dust. Do you have a virtual keyboard? You are still new in the box, and you won’t need it. The virtual keyboard, along with the luxury watch you have still in the box, will bring you some quick cash.
Wondering what you can do with them?
Maybe you purchased a couple of Chanel luxury handbags that you thought were risky color combinations based on what you usually wear. Now you see them neatly packed away and realized that you probably won’ use them again. You know you don’t want to throw them away; that would be silly. You know you don’t want to give them away. You wish you could get some money back from them; they are designer handbags.
There are pawn shops that buy designer handbags and other luxury things. They will buy these things along with your designer bags outright or use them as collateral for a short-term loan and quick cash.
You may not want to lose your things. If you’re going to pawn your designer handbags, you can d. After you pay back the loan, you will get your bag back. It’s a win-win arrangement for you and the pawnshop. You get the money you need and want, and the pawnshop makes some money off of the interest for loaning you the quick cash you need.
A designer handbag was an investment when you purchased it.
You knew you would use the designer bag only on special occasions, and now it sets in tissue paper to protect its’ craftmanship. It was an investment in style, sophistication, and statement when you bought it a few years ago. Now you know the bag won’t be used again, and because it was one of the sought-after designer handbags, it has maintained its value.
It may be one of the classic bags that many people are looking to buy. Pawnshops buy luxury handbags like Chanel, Gucci, and Louis Vuitton because pawnshops can sell designer bags in-store or online for a reasonable price. Having just the right designer handbags for customers helps bring customers back, and word of mouth travels that the pawnshop is a great place to visit often if a customer decides they want to purchase a luxury handbag that represents beauty yet is still affordable.
Maybe you decide you don’t want to pawn your designer handbags for cash but want to sell the bags outright. This is also an option at pawnshops. Either by pawning or selling, you can get easy money.
Because most shops want to have a variety of luxury handbags like Louis Vuitton bags to look through so customers can find the perfect bag, a local pawn shop is willing to look at them, appraise them, and buy them for quick cash.
Many pawn shops have shopped online with a quick and easy user interface, meaning customers won’t have a problem finding what designer handbags the shop has for sale. A pawn shop wants to keep its online inventory full and exciting. Your slightly used bag may be just what they are looking for, so take it in!
A pawn shop will authenticate
A designer purse is only as good as its authenticity, which is why pawn shops are willing to authenticate them. Authentication services at a pawn shop help the customer buy items with confidence.
With Facebook Market Place and Craiglist, many bags are listed for sale with comments about designer brands, but there is no guarantee that they are real. With the amount of money designer handbags cost, you want to ensure your bag is not a fake or replica.
Nothing would be worse than purchasing a designer handbag, taking it home, deciding to have it authenticated, and finding out it is a counterfeit.
Designer purse inventory often changes, so make sure you check back often.
Some pawn shops also have a form or a way to get a quick quote right on their website. After you fill out the web form, you can provide clear pictures and know if the pawnshop will take the designer purse. This will save you from driving into the shop and finding out that they won’t loan or buy the bag.
When you fill out an online form or quote request, you will need to provide as much information as you have, and it helps if you have original receipts. The pawn shop will give you a quote based on the purse’s initial valuation. A final offer is made after the designer handbag is taken into the shop, and seeing the bag in person will assist the broker in authenticating it. Having original receipts and certificates in hand when you visit the store may help you get a higher offer.
The process used by a pawnshop is to protect you as the seller and the pawn shop as the buyer. It also helps future customers know that they are real if they find designer handbags at the pawn shop.
Most pawnshops use an authenticity tool like Entrupy. The broker will go over the process to authenticate each designer handbag.
Remember authentication has as few limitations as possible, but there is still nothing that is one hundred percent when you pawn designer handbags.
Some pawn shops have experts who have received training on the stitching quality and patterns of the designer bags, the material and hardware used in its craftsmanship, the stamping, including the size, shape, font used, and the date code examples.
When you are purchasing a designer handbag, ensure that you understand the process that the bag went through to authenticate it. This information will help you make a better decision about your purchase.
Did you know that the counterfeit industry is worth billions globally? The designer brands with the most knockoffs were Louis Vuitton, which led to apparel and luxury handbag makers investing in anti-counterfeit technologies.
With the growth of luxury resale through pawnshops and consignment stores, authentication is more important than ever when buying, selling, and pawning designer brands.
The designer bag resale industry creates opportunities for women to find a bag they want without breaking the bank. Listed on Tradesy, a Chanel Double Flap Rare Classic Cc Gold Medium Black Alligator Skin Leather Shoulder Bag costs $45,012.80. Similar bags will sell at a fraction of the cost in a pawn shop. Pawnshops are a great place to shop for designer handbags and other designer brands because you can rest assured they authenticate, the price is affordable, and the ever-changing and broad inventory.
At our family-owned and operated pawn shop since 1978, we have built our reputation on personalized services and our extensive jewelry selection in a variety of price ranges. We strive to set ourselves apart from other pawn shops by offering real money for personal items and designer brands. Fair and reasonable offers are how we do business. You can rest assured that when you request a quote online or bring us your designer handbags, we will work with you transparently, so you understand the details of the offer we make. This goes for any of the designer brands you bring into our store.
There are pawn shops that buy purses and designer brands of merchandise, and R&J Jewelry and Loan is the place you want to be! We have brokers who are not only knowledgeable about designer handbags; they pride themselves in authenticating them correctly so that customers know what they are buying when they are buying designer handbags.
They take the time to know and understand the characteristics of designer brands.
When customers came into the store to pawn designer handbags, they invested money in their designer bags, and now the new owner can smile knowing how much was saved. They can carry it with confidence and secretively know they saved money.
Did you know that Chanel designer handbags have the signature double cc lock that first appeared in 1980? The cc lock gets its name because Coco Chanel never married.
At R&J Jewelry and Loan, the pawn shop has experts who go through authenticating each designer bag. They understand that sometimes people need a little extra money to get by, and quick cash comes from us, R&J Jewelry and Loan.
Sell or Pawn Designer Handbags
If you are looking to buy a designer bag, remember that a pawn shop has to make a profit to stay in business. Loaning or purchasing something fake isn’t good business. A pawn shop would have to quickly close their doors if they didn’t have a process to make sure that those bags were genuine if someone wanted to pawn designer handbags.
We offer pawn loans in San Jose, CA, that allow you to borrow against your luxury things and receive a low-interest cash loan with a four-month repayment plan. The best part? You’ll retain ownership of your valuables, and you won’t have to sell them. Instead, we’ll keep the item safe at our facility as collateral until the loan is repaid in full. Then, you’ll get your item back. If you have any questions about our loan process, please feel free to give us a call or stop by with your items today and let one of our brokers take a look.
Spring fever, get up and lean those closets. You find you have too many designer handbags, and it would be best if you had quick cash to purchase a new designer handbag or other desired item. You need quick cash to pay an unexpected bill.