The 2022 holiday shopping season will start early this year. Starting about mid October through December 24th, the holiday season will be different this year than in years prior.
With the economy and rising inflation, problems with supply chains, employee and staffing headaches, things may be turbulent.
There is no doubt the dollar doesn’t buy as much as it did in the past. There are a few things we can expect for this year’s gift giving season.

First, e-commerce shopping:
Will continue to grow and make online shopping available worldwide. It’s estimated that about 20% of all retail sales will come for online, digital channels. Big box stores and malls have closed. This has been partly due to the pandemic, and also due to the ways customers shop.

Customers like delivery, curb side pickup, shopping from their sofas and having things sent to their door steps.
Some large department stores and mom and pop stores have revived their retail presence by opening online stores and website presence.
Second, there may be more deals campaigns this season to help with shopping costs.
Some retailers may decrease their margins to encourage customers to buy from them.

Third, inventory shortages may be a real challenge due to supply chain and staffing issues.
There may be opportunities to opt-in to be notified when a certain product becomes available, so you aren’t making needless trips to try and find the special gift you are looking for.

Fourth, businesses and companies will make more efforts to keep consumers involved and loyal to their products, so they do their shopping with them.
Text blasts, campaigns, emails, and other forms of marketing will create a transparent process between you, the consumer, and the business you are buying from. Keeping informed is important for most people, and in today’s shopping world, this hasn’t gone unnoticed. Chatbots, automated text messages, and automated callbacks have made instant information possible.

Fifth, purchasing gifts is easier with cashless payments, mobile wallets, and cryptocurrency.
Mobile phone apps make shopping quick and easy. Some programs also offer pay overtime options.

Sixth, think about pawn shop layaway programs.
Many communities have pawn shops, and pawn shops near you may have a layaway program. With only ten percent as the down payment and monthly payments, and the balance paid within ten months.

Layaway programs help you shop for and purchase pawn items while they are available. Check your local pawn shop to see what layaway programs they have to offer.
If you are shopping for gold jewelry or other fine jewelry, silver, name brand electronics or tools, luxury handbags, and designer watches, pawn shops have them all. These preowned beauties are available at affordable prices.

Pawn shops authenticate and appraise items before they go out on the retail floor or into the shop’s online inventory. The process in the pawn shop is honest and forthright. Pawn shops wouldn’t stay in business long if they cheated people or bought and sold fake items.
Setting up a layaway program and determining when the final payment is due will help you have special gifts set aside and paid for through small payments throughout the fall months.

Determining what your purchases add up to and how much the small fee is to have a layaway program account all enters into what your layaway plans look like. In some situations, having a layaway plan means interest free purchasing in most stores, which helps save money, and the shops don’t require a credit check.
Make sure you can pay payments on time, and in a situation where you have to forego your items, you understand if there is a cancellation fee or restocking fee.

R&J Jewelry and Loan
Since 1978, R&J Jewelry and Loan has been a family owned and operated pawn shop offering a full range of pawn services. They have built their reputation on personalized services and their extensive jewelry selection in various price ranges.
They strive to set themselves apart from other pawn shops, offer a layaway program, and offer real money for your personal items.
They give fair and reasonable offers, and will buy or give you a cash loan to get you through the rough times.

R&J Jewelry and Loan has an extensive line of fine jewelry, designer watches, gold, diamond, gold jewelry, and luxury handbags all ready for the holidays. Shop early and save money on the cost of the 2022 holiday season.